


阿拉巴马州的加兹登. -- 十大正规赌平台平台的学生获得了8枚金牌, 在最近的阿拉巴马州SkillsUSA州领导会议和SkillsUSA莫比尔锦标赛中获得了六枚银牌和四枚铜牌. 今年SkillsUSA的主题是“SkillsUSA:我们的时间就是十大正规赌平台平台体育平台”.” 

来自十大正规赌平台平台艾尔斯分校的技术学生, East Broad和Valley Street校区的学生参加了80多个不同类别的比赛,其中包括工业电机控制, 制冷, 汽车再加工, 机器人与自动化技术, 无准备的演讲, 电气施工布线, 指甲护理和木工.   

SkillsUSA竞赛是一年一度的活动, 为高中生和大学生提供展示技术培训的机会, 领导力发展和在一系列竞争性任务中的实践经验. 

加兹登州立技术学院的学生和阿拉巴马州其他社区学院的学生共获得103枚奖牌, 包括在州比赛中获得的49枚金牌.


十大正规赌平台平台很自豪能与奥巴马州长合作. Kay Ivey和Alabama SkillsUSA正在努力实现安置500人的十大正规赌平台平台,到2025年,将有1000名高技能阿拉巴马人加入劳动力大军,艾伦·史密斯说, 十大正规赌平台平台劳动力发展学院院长.  “通过技术技能培训, 领导力发展和就业能力, 一个有组织的公民和实践经验的项目, SkillsUSA和Gadsden州立大学的职业技术教育使学生成为世界级的工人和领导者.”

学生 finishing in first place and earning gold medals are Jason Carbajal of Boaz in Carpentry; James Fuller of Heflin in Automotive Refinishing; Cynthia Hull of Anniston in Prepared Speech; William Jenkins of Altoona in Collision Repair Technology; Jarrod McBurnett of Lincoln in Heating, 通风, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration; Hayden Moore of Eastaboga in Extemporaneous Speaking; Zachary Norris of Steele in Industrial Motor Control and Landon Robinson of Altoona in Electrical Construction Wiring (双录取 / High School).

学生 earning silver medals and finishing in second place include Hunter Day of Gadsden in CNC 5 Axis Milling; Christopher Milstead of Delta in Automotive Refinishing Technology; Brittany Satcher of Birmingham in Nail Care; Jonah Padgett of Fort Payne in Carpentry (双录取 / High School); the team of Shawn Martinez of Weaver and Olsen Spurlin of Heflin in Robotics and Automation Technology and the team of Christopher Briese of Ohatchee, 加兹登的泰勒·凯特和皮埃蒙特的亨特·利文斯顿在自动化制造技术方面的研究.

Bronze medals for finishing in third place were awarded to William Poole of Jacksonville in Electrical Construction Wiring; Braxton Thompson of Scottsboro in Heating, 通风, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration; the team of Derek Reynolds of Oxford and Wes Simmons of Glencoe in Robotics and Automation Technology and the team of Seth Helms of Leesburg, 呼叫中心的Young和皮埃蒙特的Mikey Reaves在自动化制造技术.

学生 who represented Gadsden State at the skills competition and finished in the Top 10 in their event include Hannah Dale of Gadsden in Technical Drafting; Jason Shuffield of Ohatchee in Industrial Motor Control and Keyerra Williams of Montgomery in Architectural Drafting.

Program advisors for students competing include Zora Garner (Nail Care); Tim Hardy and Joseph Hulsey (制冷); Bruce Hill and Brandon Patterson (Automotive Refinishing Technology and Auto Collision Repair); Tommy Hartline, 安迪·罗伯逊, 拉尔夫·维特菲尔德, Tarina Vannatta and Keith Tolbert (Robotics and Automation Technology); Jack Mayfield (Industrial Motor Control); Todd Chandler (Electrical Construction Wiring); James Wilson (Automated Manufacturing Technology and Architectural Drafting); Daniel Anderson and Steve Caldwell (CNC 5 Axis Milling); Laura Ann Sullins (Extemporaneous Speaking and Prepared Speech); Heath McDaniel (Carpentry) and Wesley Beecham (Electrical Construction Wiring and Motor Control).  

“我们为他们的承诺感到自豪, 高素质的技术指导员在我们的校园工作,史密斯说. “他们以学生为中心,为我们的学生提供在这类竞技项目中脱颖而出所需的技能, 毕业后获得学位或证书,并直接进入劳动力市场.”

有关加兹登州技术项目的更多信息,请访问 www.GadsdenState.edu/Technical.

关于SkillsUSA当前位置阿拉巴马州技能学院正在培养工作中的下一代世界级冠军. 阿拉巴马州技能学院致力于培养一代强大的工人和杰出的领导者,他们将带领美国的劳动力进入一个胜利和繁荣的新前沿.  这个国家组织为超过331个国家提供服务,53个州和地区协会的000名学生和教师.  SkillsUSA授权其成员成为世界级的工人, 领导人和负责任的美国公民. 我们的愿景是培养世界上技术水平最高的劳动力, 为每位会员提供事业成功的机会.

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